One of the most popular teenage movies of the late 1990s, American Pie is a classic. It is ridiculous, insane, and absolutely hysterical with its well-written dialogue. This film also features one of the best ensembles for a comedy, which is just one of its many positives.
The story is set up perfectly: the movie is about fours seniors in high school who create a pact that they will lose their virginity by the time prom night strikes. There are many antics involved and as they four meet many new people progresses the story. In the end, will all four of them actually have sex? Or is there something else to discover?
This is such an innocent film while not being innocent at all. It is so disgustingly creative that I find it hard not to enjoy this movie. There is always something that will make you laugh once - whether it be the bathroom scene or the infamous pie - the film shows it's immature and is proud of it for every second there is.
American Pie is not a perfect film. Indeed, it is very good, but just not perfect. With that said, this movie is still entertaining. The acting is as solid as it gets, the writing is top-notch, and the soundtrack and direction are incredibly hysterical as well. It is hard not to appreciate this hour and a half, low-budget independent film. American Pie receives a 3/4.