This is a complete waste of time, but I figured I'd make something somewhat interesting based on one of my favorite movies of all time. Whether it has to do with the characters, the story, or the title, these are the first five movies that come to mind when I hear the movie title, Citizen Kane. This is an activity you can do, too, where you clear your mind and think of five movies after this movie.
5. Gone with the Wind
Always argued as the greatest epic in the history of films, Gone with the Wind is a film that any movie buff has to see to consider themselves that. The film has great cinematography, is well-edited, and has a fantastic premise, and is still revered as one of the greatest films of all time, much like Kane
4. Saving Private Ryan
I already wrote about War Horse today, so it figures this movie would come up. So, what does this film have to do with Kane? I actually don't know. It's a film that came to mind, but they both have creative scripts, a fantastic lead (Orson Welles and Tom Hanks for each film respectively), and are both worth watching.
3. Cool Hand Luke
Easily one of my favorite movies, this is classic in its own right, and what I consider the first of an unofficial "prison trilogy" including this film, One Flew Over the Cukoo's Nest, and the Shawshank Redemption. Both this and Citizen Kane both have well-developed leads and are very unique in the crowd of "regular" people; they start a revolution for their respective environment.
2. Monsters, Inc.
I don't know how this relates to Citizen Kane, this is just what comes to mind. No, I am not writing this as a joke. I guess if I can compare the two films you can say how Kane is usually said to be the greatest film of all time, and Monsters, Inc. is my favorite Pixar film of all time, so that relates. Or maybe this is very random. I agree with the ladder part.
1. The Big Lebowski
I love this movie. I love Citizen Kane. They are both fantastic for their time periods and make huge impacts to filmmakers today. They both have original stories, each have a lead that is very unique in terms of characterization, and each have are loved but by different types of movie fans. These movies are awesome and that is why the Big Lebowski is the number one movie that comes to mind when I think of Citizen Kane. You human paraquats.
Wait, why did I make this again? To waste time? I guess I did that pretty well. This was actually very fun and I might do this again. But this would never be on the front page of the website, though.